do i need to move furniture for pest control
Kristina Davis

Do I need to move furniture for pest control? Every time I wanted to get rid of pests from my home, I would spend a whole weekend doing the exercise.

The weekend would be dedicated to cleaning, and we would carry all the furniture out of the house—all chairs, tables, beds, and cupboards.

At the end of the day, we would be so tired to move them back and seek help from passersby.

It would then cross my mind that moving furniture every time we got rid of pests was tiring and unnecessary.

Do I need to move furniture for pest control? No! I don't need to. This is what I learned after reviewing the pest control techniques I was using. Most commercial pesticides work well when placed randomly in the room where you intend to kill the pests.

In this blog post, I share tips on dealing with these pests and whether you have to move furniture in the event of controlling them or not.

What Are the Common House Pests You Need to Get Rid Of?

common pests

Even though seeing pests in your house should worry you, it is normal to have them. It is a symbol of activity and life in your home.

Some of the most common household pests you will encounter are as follows:

Cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, silverfish, termites, spiders, centipedes’ millipedes, and insects.

These insects can be categorized as both harmful and non-harmful. Harmful insects are those capable of causing injuries to their victims, while non-harmful insects do not.

Most harmful pests are poisonous, and their stings or bites could result in death if not treated promptly.

Tip: Did you know that rats fall in the household pest category?

Causes of Household Pests

household pests

Pests do not just show up in your house. Some factors contribute to the influx of pests in your home.

Causes of household pests are:

Food Remains

Pests, like humans, need to survive by feasting.

The presence of food remnants in your home is the top reason pests will hover around it, mainly in the kitchen, cupboards, or the stores where you tuck away food.

Leaving food all over is so inviting to household pests, and they will actually pay your home a courtesy call to use those food remnants or the ones you have not stored properly.


Clutter is a confused and disordered jumble of things in your living room. There is totally no order, and items are strewn all over.

the clutters

Pests like to take advantage of this scenario and hide in the clutter.

Also, they hide in places they can’t easily be found, like cardboard, sofa sets, beneath beds and tables, drawers, cabinets, and piles of clothing.

Moreover, in clutter, pests can breed and multiply without being disrupted.


The higher the humidity in your home, the more comfortable the pests. Pests like to reside in places with high humidity.

They absorb the water in the atmosphere through their bodies which is vital for their survival.


Aging brings home pests. Not our age but that of our house, household equipment such as furniture and utensils.

age of house

When furniture starts to wear out and peel off, pests come in to eat the sawdust from the wood.


Dark rooms call upon pests to visit you and live comfortably alongside you. With darkness, pests being clever, know they can’t be seen.

Tip: You do not always have to move furniture out of your house while controlling pests.

How to Terminate Pests from Your Home

Pests are unwanted creatures, their presence is annoying, and the solution is to get rid of them.

terminate pests from home

There are several ways available for getting rid of pests from our homes. Some are conventional, while others are natural.

These methods of household pest control are as follows.

  1. Maintaining high cleanliness levels.
  2. Lighting up your home correctly.
  3. Throw away food leftovers in designated places.
  4. Fix any holes and crevices in your furniture and on the floor.
  5. Drain any stagnant water.
  6. Use commercial pest control options.

What to Do When Pest Control Comes

Since pests can be a real problem to your home, it is proper that you deal with them right away.

to do when pest control arrives

To get rid of these creatures, you have to prepare well and deploy tactics that will see every last one of them dead.

To do so, below is an outline of the strategic steps you must take to get rid of them.

  1. Access, ensure you have access to where the pests hide; this is under beds, in corners, and all joints that seem to support the thriving of these pests.
  2. Clean all clothes and put everything in their desired places,
  3. Dump the dustbin and clean it well.
  4. Remove pets and children if you plan to use commercial pesticides.

Do I Need To Move Furniture For Pest Control?

I decided never to move my furniture whenever I was doing pest control.

I do not know about you, but you may not always need to move furniture every time you fight pests in your apartment.

need move furniture

However, there may be instances when you may be forced to move furniture. Since deciding whether to move the furniture belongs solely to you.

Here are a few factors to consider before moving or not moving furniture while controlling pests.

The Pest Control Measure You Are Using

Before moving furniture, assess the pest control method you will be using.

Most commercial pesticides work well when placed randomly in the room where you intend to kill the pests.

You won’t need to move any furniture since these pesticides are food decoys to the pests or kill the pests instantly once they breathe in the powder from it, which causes paralysis and breathing difficulties.

Tip: If you intend to use other conventional methods, you will have to move the furniture to expose them from their hideouts.

The Type of Pests You Wish to Control

type of pests

Considering the type of pests, you are fighting before moving the furniture is essential.

It will be unnecessary and tedious to move furniture while controlling flying insects.

Instead, the best way to handle them is by spraying a pesticide into the room and in all corners where they may be residing.

Tip: For pests that crawl and can hide in the furniture, moving them out is the best option to expose them.


If you have the time for all the moving, then why not. Move the furniture if you have to. Move the furniture.

have time

But if you intend to save on time and kill the pests effectively in very little time, you wouldn’t have to bother carrying furniture around.

The Number of Pests

It is possible to tell whether there are several or little pests in your home. While several, they will mostly move in groups and live in the same place.

When they are lesser, it may be difficult for you to spot them; hence you will only see them once in a while.

If there are several pests, you will have to move the furniture while controlling them to be sure that you access them and flash them all from their hideouts.

But when they are lesser, there won’t be any need for you to move the furniture.

Tips on Pest Control

tips on a pest control
  • Move furniture 2 to 3 feet away from the wall in the process.
  • You won’t have to move furniture while controlling flying insects using sprays.


So, do I need to move furniture for pest control? You may or may not need to move furniture during pest control.

This blog post has discussed these factors to help you make the right choices.

However, I must also mention that while it may be unnecessary to move the furniture out of your house during this exercise, you always have to move them away from the wall.

Most pests crawl and spend most of their time on the walls behind cupboards, chairs, and drawers.

Move them to about 3 or 4 feet away from the wall, then do the activity.