how to get grease out of sheets
Kristina Davis

Grease stains are notoriously hard to remove, which makes us all wonder, “How to get grease out of sheets?” It’s annoying and frustrating, but we can’t just simply throw out our linens and replace them with new ones just because of one stain, right?

Grease tends to be stubborn to remove because it contains fat, which can break down the fibers in the fabric and can make the stain-resistant to laundering.

Luckily, we have listed here the most effective and efficient ways to remove grease stains using natural, non-toxic items that you can see in your home.

Read on below to know more!

How to Get Grease Out of Sheets Using Cornstarch and Baby Powder

cornstarch and baby powder

No matter how big or how small a stain is caused by oil maybe, you don’t have to fret as long as you’ve got cornstarch and baby powder sitting around your house.

Cornstarch is a natural way to absorb oil, and baby powder helps the corn starch adhere to the fabric, so you’ll be able to see if it’s picked up any grease from your clothes.

Furthermore, this method is pretty easy to do and is best for those with allergies to bleach or other harsh chemicals.

To know how to use these ingredients, let’s see the guide below!

Step 1: Start by taking out your sheet and spreading it out on the table. This will give you a better view of the mark you need to address.

Step 2: Take out your cornstarch and baby powder and put them in a bowl or container and mix them together.

Step 3: Pour about half a cup of corn starch (or more, depending on how much grease there is), then add an equal amount of baby powder and mix well.

Step 4: Apply the mixture to the stain and let it sit for about 30 minutes. The cornstarch will slowly soak up the grease, while the baby powder will act as a gentle abrasive to help scrub it away.

Step 5: Once the 30 minutes have passed, you may take a toothbrush and gently scrub at the stain in circular motions until the stain is gone. Repeat steps 2-4 if necessary.

Now that we’ve got that one covered let’s head to our next ingredient, which is rubbing alcohol.

New Knowledge

So far, we have learned that grease is stubborn to remove because of the fat content it contains, which clings to a fabric’s fiber.

You’re also aware that using cornstarch and baby powder can effectively eliminate oil marks by absorbing the stain, leaving you with a cleaner and brighter-looking sheet!

Remove Grease Stain Out of Sheets With Rubbing Alcohol

rubbing alcohol

The problem of greasy stains on satin sheets and other fabric is that the grease actually soaks into the material, making it difficult to remove without damaging or ruining your fabric in some way.

The good news is you can use rubbing alcohol to remove any mark because it contains a cleaning agent, often composed of isopropyl or ethyl alcohol.

This toxic cleaner can break through and dissolve grease stains without damaging your sheets.

Alcohol also works well with satin because it doesn’t cause it to shrink or become brittle.

Here’s how to properly do it:

  • Take your sheets and pour some alcohol onto the soiled area
  • Then dab it using a rag or sponge.
  • Let the alcohol sit for 5 minutes to penetrate the stain.
  • After, you may use a brush to rub any remaining residue.
  • Once done, let dry before using.
Take note: When using rubbing alcohol, you must be careful when applying it because even though it is safe to use on satin, it can have an adverse effect on lace if your sheet has lace trim or embroidery.

Section Summary

This section has been quite an excellent discovery for all our avid readers out there.

Other than knowing some great tricks on how to clean your fabrics by using alcohol, you have also learned how significant this ingredient is for satin, thanks to its ability to break down the grease without shrinking the sheet.

However, the best thing about this trick is that it’s so easy to do and doesn’t require any hard work at all!

Gone are the days of worrying about your precious possession because, with just a bottle of alcohol, you’ll seem as powerful as a superhero!

Using Vinegar and Detergent to Remove Tough Grease Stains

vinegar and detergent

Vinegar and detergent are some of the most effective ways to get rid of tough grease from sheets and have been used by people for decades!

The reason behind this is the high pH levels both vinegar and detergent have, which will then break down grease from your stains effectively without the need for an intense scrub.

This method works best for white sheets since vinegar works great with yellowish discolorations thanks to its acidic components.

Check the guide below to see how it’s done!

Method #1: Using a Washer

  1. Take your stained sheets and put them in the washer.
  2. Pour ¼ cup of vinegar, then add a tablespoon of detergent.
  3. Mix everything before turning the washer on for 20 minutes.
  4. You may pour in some fabric softener to remove the vinegar smell.
  5. After the cycle ends, remove your sheet from the machine.
  6. Let it hang dry before storing them.

Method #2: Handwashing

  • Pour vinegar on a rag and dab it into the greasy stains.
  • Then take a toothbrush and then gently scrub the stain
  • Once done, hand wash it with a detergent to remove the smell
  • Let it dry under the sun before folding it and storing it away.

Life-Saving Hack

Who would have known a vinegar and detergent combo would help save our day, right? With this final hack, you have learned how to effectively remove oil stains by using some vinegar and detergent, which contains high levels of pH.

If you have no washing machine to use, you won’t even have to fret because we’ve also provided an alternative that lets you accomplish the same result!

Now, before you head out to try the things you’ve discovered here today, let’s have our…

Read Next: How to Remove Odors from Clothes without washing?


Grease is indeed hard to deal with, but it isn’t impossible to eliminate. Now that you’re aware of how to get grease out of sheets effectively and efficiently, you can relax while eating your favorite dishes without worry.

However, be sure to stay vigilant and act right away the moment a single drop of grease makes its way to your lovely linens, in order to get the best out of these methods and to save yourself a lot of time and effort by avoiding heavy scrubbing.

With this new knowledge, we’re confident you’ll be able to get any stain out of your sheets and make them feel fresh and even new again!

Be sure to save this post for future purposes and, of course, to share the knowledge with your friends and family members who might be looking for the same answers.

‘Til next time!