consequences of not flushing the toilet
Kristina Davis

Have you ever been out of the house and realized you forgot to flush the toilet and then thought to yourself, “what are the consequences of not flushing the toilet?” 

Don’t worry, it happens to everyone…haha! Well, there are more reasons than many people would think!

This article discusses some of the consequences that come with not flushing toilets when they need flushing.

It touches on both health and environmental consequences.

The consequences of not flushing a toilet can be much worse than forgetting how to flush. Did you know that the swarms of flies attracted by your stinky toilet can get into your food, contaminate the house and make you sick?

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Health Risks Of Not Flushing Toilet

health risks

You may have heard that not flushing the toilet after each use can cause a big problem. But what exactly is that problem? 

The health risks of not flushing the toilet are many, and they range from mild to severe. 

The mildest of these risks include the smell of your bathroom becoming unpleasant. It as well includes an increased risk of mold growth on your walls and floor.

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t flush after every use (or even every day), then you might want to take note.

These risks can be much more serious than just unpleasant smells or mildew. 

If you don’t flush your toilet, it becomes easy for bacteria to spread throughout your house, and that means lots of different kinds of bacteria.

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Here’s a list of some of the more serious health risks associated with not flushing toilets: 

Risk #1: Bacterial Infections

Diseases like cholera and typhoid fever, are spread by bacteria in food and water that have been contaminated with feces.

bacterial infection

The most common way to get these diseases is through infected food or drinks.

Note: They can also be contracted if you touch your mouth after touching something contaminated with feces.

Risk #2: Hepatitis A

This is caused by a virus that lives in feces.

The most common way to get hepatitis A is through contact with food or water that has been contaminated with feces from an infected person.

Risk #3: Waterborne Diseases

Water diseases such as giardiasis cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. 

diarrhea and other disease

Giardiasis spreads through the feces of infected people into lakes, streams, and drinking water supplies.

Risk #4: Campylobacteriosis

This is caused by bacteria that live in the intestines of animals and birds. The bacteria spread to humans through contaminated food or water.

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Risk #5: Leptospirosis

A bacterial infection that causes fever, headache, and muscle aches as well as redness in the eyes.

What Are The Consequences Of Not Flushing The Toilet?

what are consequences of not flushing

You might be surprised to learn that not flushing your toilet is a very real health risk.

Here is what happens when you don’t flush the toilet:

Issue #1: Pollutes The Air

The most obvious issue is the smell, and it’s not pretty. The more you don’t flush, the more the smell builds up and gets worse. 

Not only will you have to deal with your stench, but everyone else in your home will too.

But there are other, less obvious health risks that come from not flushing your toilet regularly.

If you don’t flush enough, gunk can build up in the pipes and cause them to clog up or even burst. 

That could lead to damage to your house, which could end up costing you thousands of dollars in repairs! 

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Do you live in an apartment building or condo complex where all of the units share a common sewer line?

sewer pipe system

Then not flushing regularly could mean that everyone else who lives there is affected by your bad habit too. 

The smell starts to rank pretty quickly when you don’t flush, and it can be a turn-off for guests or family members who come over.

Tip: The health risks of not flushing the toilet are more than you might think.

Issue #2: It Could Cause Clogging

Second, there’s the risk of clogging your pipes. If you don’t clean out the toilet bowl regularly, it can lead to a clog that will cost you in repair fees, or worse!

Issue #3: Circulation Of Germs

circulation of germs

Thirdly, there’s the risk of spreading germs through your home. If you don’t flush after each use, you could be spreading harmful bacteria throughout your house. 

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You may also be exposing yourself to germs from people who haven’t been washing their hands after using the toilet!

And let’s not forget one important thing about those germs!

Bacteria and viruses can build up in your toilet bowl over time, especially if it isn’t cleaned regularly (or at all).

How To Avoid Bacteria And Viruses From Toilets

It’s gross, but it’s true: Not flushing your toilet often enough can be a way of spreading germs and viruses.

And if you’re wondering how that happens, it’s because the standing water in your toilet bowl gets contaminated with fecal matter. 

It is also contaminated by other gross stuff from your body (like sweat, skin cells, and saliva).

avoid bacteria

But there are ways to avoid this!

Here are a few tips to keep germs from spreading in toilets that aren’t flushed often enough:

Tip #1: Flush After Every Use

This is the easiest way to keep germs from spreading in toilets that aren’t flushed often enough.

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Just flush after every single time you use the bathroom! You’ll save yourself time by not having to clean up any messes too.

Tip #2: Wipe Down The Seat Before Sitting Down

If you go into bathrooms where people don’t flush after every use, try wiping down the toilet seat before sitting down to pee or poop (or both!). 

wipe toilet seat clean

This will help keep you from getting any of those nasty germs on your hands or clothes. 

Note: It'll also make it so much easier for you not to spread them throughout the rest of your day!

Tip #3: Use Hand Sanitizer Before Touching Anything Else

If there isn’t a lot of soap in the bathroom, or you’re worried about germs on your hands, try using hand sanitizer before touching anything else. 

This way, you can make sure that any germs you might have picked up are gone before they spread to any other surfaces. 

It’s also a good idea to use hand sanitizer after washing your hands or cleaning up a mess so that your hands don’t get dirty again as soon as

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sanitize your hands

You’ve probably gotten the advice that you should flush the toilet after each use.

But what if you don’t have access to a bathroom that’s flushed often enough to keep it clean?

When you’re in a public place, say, at work, it can be hard to know exactly how frequently someone will come through and clean your bathroom. 

That’s why it’s important to take preventative measures to keep germs and viruses from spreading.

Here are some preventative measures to keep germs and viruses from spreading in public toilets.

Tip #1: Always Carry Hand Sanitizer With You

Always carry hand sanitizer with you when you leave the bathroom. 

You can wipe down any surfaces that may have been touched by other people like the doorknob or faucet handles.

These are often overlooked places where germs can easily spread.

carry hand sanitizers

Tip #2: Always Wash Your Hands Thoroughly

Always wash your hands thoroughly when you get back home! 

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This is especially important if you’ve been around others who might have been sick recently (like at a family gathering).

Make sure you wash for 20 seconds with soap and water.

Note: Do not ever forget about those hidden spots like between fingers and under fingernails!


The longer time a certain waste is left, the more odor it will be.

Bacteria from feces and urine can start to ferment and break down, which causes the unpleasant odors that we so often associate with toilets. 

The bottom line here is that water flushing and bowl cleaning are important habits to develop if you want to get rid of toilet smells. 

Knowing “what are the consequences of not flushing the toilet” has even more advice than we can get through.

I hope that the few tips I gave you were enough to help you and that you put them to good use.