how to dry a couch fast
Kristina Davis

As you already know, knowing how to dry a couch fast is one of the many things that everyone who owns a couch or sofa should know.

It is quite unavoidable to not have your couch messy and wet at a point in time.

Especially when the couch is owned by couples with children; that couch in that house would keep getting wet constantly.

Not just that, during the rainy season, houses with leaky roofs or couches exposed to rainwater, can also leave the couch not just wet, but also damp, smelly, and stained.

A better way to dry a couch faster is to either use a dehumidifier or an industrial fan. Open the doors and windows of your room to allow ventilation. Tilt the sofa and chair back so that both the frame and cushion can dry.

How Long Does it take Before a Wet Couch Gets Ruined?

couch gets ruined

From my personal experiences, I can not give an answer as to how long a couch can stay wet before it gets ruined.

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What really determines your couch’s survival depends on the amount of water it has absorbed, and the type of furniture your couch is made of.

Water can destroy a couch made of composite furniture material much faster than couches that are made of hardwoods.

A single drop of water on this kind of couch can easily cause much more damage to your furniture.

One of the recommended ways to prevent your wet couch from getting ruined is to start cleaning up the affected area as soon as possible.

The faster you can dry/clean up the water on your couch, the faster you save your couch from further damage.

Tip: Make sure to always clean up your couch whenever you see any form of liquid on it. Delaying to clean it up may eventually cause further damage to your couch.

What Type of Couch is Most Likely to be Damaged by Water?

types of couch

Composite Materials

Composite materials are known to be easily damaged by water or liquid substances. Water weakens the glue/adhesive, thereby ruining the furniture.

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The same applies to laminated couches that are made of composite materials. In most cases, it is best to discard these items easily.


Vinyl and other couches that are made from synthetic materials usually dry easily when affected by water. They are also much easier to clean and disinfect.

However, items with composite material frames are more likely to be damaged, collapse, or even fall apart.

Fabric and Upholstery

Judging by either the degree of damage or the type of fabric, it is possible to dry and save upholstered furniture more than any other type of furniture.

However, objects with frames that are made of composite materials are more likely to fall apart.

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leather couch

It is often difficult to dry leather products when they are affected by water. This is because even genuine leather can shrink when it dries.

Therefore, it is a better choice to avoid using heat to dry leather couches.

Since leather is a natural material, it is easy for mold and bacteria to grow in them.


Couches that are made of hardwoods tend to be one of the easiest to dry when they are affected by water.

However, you may need to polish and repaint the surface of your hardwood couch in order to remove water stains.

Tip: In case of an emergency, use a couch drying machine to quickly get rid of water from your couches to prevent further damage.

How Dehumidifiers Can Protect our Couch and Furniture From Excess Moisture

the dehumidifier

Cushions are known to attract moisture from their environment, and this ultimately affects the fabric as well as the furniture woods.

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Most times, it causes your couch’s fabric and woods to either smell bad, swell, fade, or lose color quality.

When the moisture level in your home is high, your couches, mattress, and pillows tend to be infiltrated by fungal spores.

Therefore, the best way to avoid all kinds of damage to the couch and any other furniture is to always maintain an ideal humidity level in our environment.

The use of dehumidifiers is a productive way to protect your couch and home furniture from moisture damage, and as well extend their lifespan while they remain fresh all day.

Tip: The use of dehumidifiers will always be an excellent way of preventing the couch and furniture from moisture damage.

How to Dry a Couch Fast – Best Methods

methods to dry couch

Drying your couch may require the use of some maintenance equipment.

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However, there are different ways on how to dry a wet cushion faster without the need of professional equipment.

If you have read to this point, be sure to know that when you are done with this article, you will no longer need to be worried whenever your couch gets wet.

The following steps contain the various ways you can quickly dry a wet couch faster.

1. Paper Towel

Using paper towels when removing excess moisture from a wet couch is ideal although, It is recommended that you fold the paper towel in different layers in order for it to absorb enough water from the couch.

Apply the cleaning agent to the affected area of your couch, then use a dry paper towel to blot that area, try to avoid rubbing it with the dry towel.

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The stain will easily go off.

2. Hair Dryer

use a hair dryer

Depending on the wetness of the couch, a hairdryer can also be used in place of sunlight to dry the wet couch.

However, this method could take up to 20 minutes before the wet couch is dried up and requires that you hold the hairdryer still, focusing on a particular wet spot for a while before moving to the next, so it can be a bit stressful.

3. Pressing Iron

As weird as this might sound, pressing irons are also a good way to quickly dry wet couches.

This is because the hotness and the heat from these irons will not only dry the wet couch but will also prevent it from having an awful odor.

But be careful as this could cause further damage to the couch, so ensure you use low heat from your iron.

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4. Sunlight

dry under the sunlight

Sunlight is also a great way to easily dry your wet couch as it produces heat that is capable of repressing any form of odor.

All you need to do is to take your couch, directly under the sun and leave it for a couple of hours or minutes.

These few simple ways will not only dry your couches quickly but will also keep it away from producing stains attached to wetness.

Now that you know all these, you can immediately try out these methods and keep your couches dry and odorless.

Tip:  Don’t leave  your couch in the sun for too long as it could get damaged by UV rays.

How to Dry a Couch Cushion Fast

couch cushion drying

So what if you need to dry a couch cushion instead? Well, you could hang them in your house or on a clothesline, it really doesn’t matter, just as long as it is out of the sun’s rays

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(Note; Sunlight might be good for your couches, but not for your couch cushions).

You could use a blow dryer with low heat only or hang the covers on a portable fan to speed things along.

Drying cushion covers can take a while, so make the most of this time by cleaning the rest of your couch.

In Conclusion

A wet couch or furniture is capable of polluting the entire room and making everyone else in the home uncomfortable. This is why it is always ideal to figure out how to dry a couch fast.

The ideal time to allow your couch to dry after cleaning is between 8-12 hours. Manually drying your couch using an electric fan can make it dry faster regardless.

While letting your couch dry, make sure to allow enough ventilation, as this seems to be the only natural but slow way to dry your couch.