is it safe to store paint in the house
Kristina Davis

Is it safe to store paint in the house? Don’t know whether this just happens with me, but probably not.

It is common, it is like paint is fixated on remaining each time I am using it. And if it doesn’t, using the whole of it from a container equals building castles in the air.

There is always what is left over.

Once paint remains, and it always does, the idea of storing it away safely doesn’t seem to be at hand at the moment. 

You may hassle for long trying to figure out how safely you will store the remaining paint to no avail.

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Ideally, it is safe to store paint in your house so long as you store it safely. If you are to store paint safely in the house, ensure that you store it safely.

Why You May Need To Store The Remaining Paint In The House

store the remaining paint in the house

Paint, unlike foods, is highly durable, and the last bit of it cannot and should never be disposed of.

No matter how long it may take, you will still need the paint at one time.

And since paint hardly goes bad and is stored in airtight containers that protect it from external impurities, you are able to use it even a year later.

This is economical; the paint that remains after you are done with painting is always the starting point of the next event that is needed.

Other than disposing of it, you save it to top up with more whenever you intend to use it again. 

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Also, once the painted area dries, you identify spots that haven’t been well painted. Reapply the paint to stem the outlook of the area.

Tip: In simple words, we store paint because we should save it. It comes at a price and it shouldn’t be wasted.

So, Is It Safe To Store Paint In The House?

safe to store

Ideally, it is safe to store paint in your house so long as you store it safely. Quite disturbing that statement is.

Yea, but that is it. If you are to store paint safely in the house, ensure that you store it safely. Did that get worse?

You may not have any other alternative place to store your paint and your house becomes the one and only option.

The good news is, you can do it. You can store your paint in your house.

But the way you do that matters a lot, especially if you have playful children with the dexterity of a cat snooping all the corners of the house.

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Then you will have to get a little more careful.

Paints are poisonous, and young ones or pets may not get this until they have tried it which may well be too late.

Where Can We Store Spray Paints?

where can we store

Some people keep asking; Is it safe to store spray paint in the house?

You must be choosy while determining where to keep spray paint.

It should be more of hiding than keeping, lest you come back home to get it painted disgustingly all over.

Note: Even though it is safe to store paint in the house, it is safer to store paint in the right places in your house.

Best Place to Safely Store Paints

Below we have enlisted some of the places you can safely tuck away the paint that remains

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In Cupboards

Cupboards are a safe haven for storing away used paint. The topmost or bottom sections are the most suitable.

Do not store the paint in the same places you keep food or utensils.

The area for the paint should be in seclusion and lockable so that it is unreachable, keep the keys away and only retrieve them when you need them.

In the Store

store room

The store in your home is certainly the best place to safely store away paint in your house.

After all, that is why you have the store, to keep items such as paints, cement, wheelbarrow, and other objects you use outdoors.

Similarly, keep the key to the store away from your children’s reach. Children love to play, and more with paint.

Note: When they get to it, they will automatically waste it and misuse it even dirty already painted walls.

The Garage

There is always some extra space left in front and besides the wall of your garage.

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a garage

Utilize this space more by storing items you do not use regularly. Arrange the garage in order so that things are not strewn all over.

Tip: You can use this space to store away paint; It is even safer in the garage than in the living room, since there is limited activity in the garage.

On the Shelves

Shelves are always raised a little bit from the floor to protect paint and other items from contamination.

Shelves are a suitable home option for safely keeping away paint.

They should always be raised from the floor, strong enough to support the paint can.

Those are some of the common places that are safe for storing paint. If you are sure about any other, then you are good to go.

Tip: So long as the location doesn’t put the paint in line of getting contaminated, it itself contaminates foodstuff.

The Dos and Don’ts for Storing Paint in the House

do's and don'ts

Location for Storage

In your house, go for the best places to store paint

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Whether you will be keeping the paint in the cupboard, store, garage, or on the shelves. Always ensure that these places are dry and cool.

It is common to see an indication on the paint requesting you to always store the paint in dry, cool areas.

Storing paint in places with so much heat will make it dry, while in humid areas, the paint will rust making it become unusable.

 Store the paint in dark rooms, that are dryer but cooler so as to ensure that they stay fresh for the next usage.

Prevent Air from getting into the Cans with Paint

prevent air

Air getting into the paint for the long term can become a problem for the paint.

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Always ensure that the lid is tight to an extent no air can get in.

Preferably, place the lid well on the can and store your paint upside down to create an airtight seal.

Remove Debris and Dust Particles from the Paint

Occasionally, brushes pick up dirt from the walls as you paint.

Once you are done painting, protect the remaining paint by removing any particles picked from the wall.

Or even any that might have gotten into the paint by removing them using a stick. These particles may cause the paint to start smelling if left in it.

remove dust particles
  • Store the paint in dark areas with a temperature between 15 and 27 degrees Celsius.
  • Always note the kind of paint you are keeping. Make sure it can be stored.
  • Store the paint in high places or in places with locks to prevent children from getting to it.
  • Do not store paint in the kitchen.
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This article has highlighted the best places to store paint in the home

It asked the question, Is it safe to store paint in the house and we unanimously reached the decision that it is safe.

Depending on how you conduct yourself while at it.

Paint can be delicate if stored carelessly. In 9 out 10 times you are using paint, the chances are that you will have some leftover.

Because paint is expensive, you will always need it next time. The need to be economical, you must devise ways how to keep it safe for the unforeseen period.

Hope this article guides you to keeping paint in the right places. For you will always need it next time.