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I know that you’ve once asked, why does it feel like my bed is shaking? Is there an earthquake happening, or is it just because of how my bed is put up?
There are tons of possible reasons why your bed is vibrating and shaking, but I’ll be uncovering the most common.
Your bed is shaking mostly because you are experiencing sleep conditions and disorders. Other culprits include the location of your bed, the structure of your bed, and uneven flooring.
There will be a lot of things I’ll talk about, and I won’t leave you hanging with questions unanswered.
What Do You Need to Consider?
Before we answer the question, why does my bed vibrate at night, you first need to think about a couple of considerations first.
Jumping to conclusions wouldn’t lead to solid, concrete findings, so, it’ll be best to tackle a couple of external factors first.
The Area You Live In
Where you live plays a huge role in how your bed is acting.
For instance, if your house is near a busy area or if you are living in the basement, then your bed could be shaking due to where your house is located.
This can contribute to the shaking of the bed you’re feeling.
Your Bed’s Structure/How Your Bed is Put Up
Another factor would be with your bed. Not all beds are made equally.
It could be because your bed frame is uneven, and some of its screws could be damaged and loose.
Moreover, there could be loose and faulty bed springs, too, where a few simple movements can make it seem like it’s shaking.
Other than your bed, your flooring could also be uneven, which can be a good reason why you feel like your bed is shaking or vibrating.
Your Medical or Health Conditions
Last, but most definitely not least could be your health conditions.
There are several conditions that can be the cause of it, and I’ll be discussing that later.
For this reason, you can set up a surveillance camera to try and monitor if you are having any movements during your sleep.
That way, you can easily identify what’s causing the shaking or the vibrating of your bed.
Why Does it Feel Like My Bed is Shaking?
For this, I will outline all the possible nuisances that could cause your bed to feel like it’s vibrating or shaking.
Then, from each factor, I will do my best to explain each of them comprehensively and thoroughly.
Factor #1: Your House’s Location
As I mentioned above, you need to consider the location of your house.
First and foremost, not everyone is experiencing the same dilemma as you are, so, the first variable you need to factor in is the location of your house.
The following locations can be the worst culprits that contribute to why your bed is vibrating or shaking.
- Near a train track
- Apartment or condominium unit
- Near a factory or a manufacturing plant
These busy locations can start-up shaking or vibrations not only in your bed but wherever you are inside the house!
Note: The vibration of the activities in these areas can resonate throughout the entire house.
Factor #2: Where Your Bed is Placed/Positioned
Another factor you can consider is the location of your bed. This is most applicable to two and three-story houses.
If you sleep on the 1st floor, then, the stomping of the feet on the 2nd floor will affect objects and furniture on the first floor, the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor, and so on.
Before, I set up a sofa bed on the cupboard so I could rest whenever I cleaned and arranged some furniture.
During the afternoon, when the kids come home from school and I’m taking my afternoon nap, the bed shakes when they go up and down the stairs.
This is because the cupboard is placed directly below the stairs.
Factor #3: Your Bed
Let’s not be blind to the fact that your bed can also be the culprit. Over time, the screws and locks of the bed loosen.
The pressure put on the framework, as well as the mattress of the bed, is what’s possibly responsible for this.
There are many different types of problems involved, they are:
Loosened Bed Frame
If your bed frame is made from wood, then, it will be damaged over time, especially if they’re used more often than they’re supposed to.
Wood can crack due to pressure, constant shaking, as well as external forces – liquid, among others.
Steel and metal frames, on the other hand, are at the risk of warping or bending only because of hard pressure and the usual wear and tear.
Faulty and Bad Springs
For beds and mattresses that contain springs, then you can point your finger at damaged and faulty springs.
This is what will happen if you’re using the bed for a long time without replacing or changing it.
Loose Nuts and Bolts
The fastening of your frames is done by screws, nuts, and bolts, and when they’re not secured tightly onto each of their holes, then shaking and vibrating will definitely happen.
You simply need to screw them in more and tighten them so that you don’t run the risk of jolting when they eventually become removed.
Factor #4: Your Health and/or Medical Condition
The last factor is the most comprehensive one because this is the reason that many experts and people consider it the most common.
You could have a medical or a sleep condition that’s causing you to move or vibrate whenever you’re asleep.
Usually, involuntary muscle-twitching is the most common sign of these sleep conditions.
So, let me go over some of the most common ones and what symptoms are present.
Sleep Conditions and Disorders That Shake Your Bed
Out of the many different sleep disorders you could have, the following have been tagged by the American Sleep Association (ASA) as the most common cause of night tremors.
I know that you want to find out the true and real causes of these, but, unfortunately, there are none.
So, if you are part of the 60 to 70% of the population that suffers from these jerks, here are the most common conditions and disorders.
Sleep Apnea
This condition interrupts your breathing during sleep for short periods of time.
Due to this, muscles surrounding your lungs could involuntarily jerk and twitch as a response, acting as some type of coping mechanism because of the condition.
NOTE: About 2% to 5% of women have sleep apnea, while 3% to 7% of men do.
RLS or Restless Leg Syndrome
From the term alone, it is the condition where a person is having trouble defeating the urge to move and twitch the legs due to a bothering and uncomfortable sensation, making your bed shake and vibrate.
NOTE: 7 to 10% of the entire U.S. population is experiencing RLS.
RBD or REM Behavior Disorder
Have you ever had a nightmare? Do you remember what you were doing when you woke up in the middle of one?
That’s usually caused by RBD or REM behavior disorder. Whether you’re punching, shouting, kicking, or uncontrollably moving during your sleep, RBD is the culprit.
The moving sensation of your bed or mattress could be caused by the leftover energy that you transferred to the bed while you were still unconscious.
NOTE: Don’t worry, only about 0.5% to 1.25% of the population is experiencing RBD.
PLMD or Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
Also referred to as sleep myoclonus, it is the condition where you experience awful repetitive limb movements that happen during sleep, and possibly cause sleep disruption.
Waking up after experiencing PLMD can cause the moving of your bed without you being aware of it.
NOTE: As the most common disorder, about 4% to 11% of the entire population is experiencing PLMD.
So, if you feel like your bed is shaking or vibrating and you don’t know what’s causing it, consider the factors first, and then try to narrow your conclusions from there.
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Final Verdict
I used to ask myself, why does it feel like my bed is shaking? Why is it always happening at night or in the middle of my sleep?
Don’t be your own doctor by concluding things without knowing.
I had to study everything, and it took me weeks to finally find out why I keep on waking up in the middle of the night with a shaking, jolting, or vibrating bed.